I’d play That For A Dollar! Let’s hit the streets with robocop!

Hey Arcaders!

Todays game is unique for two reasons-

One- it was Data East’s first licensed arcade game- which spawned a pinball machine from the at the same time (more on that later).

Two- it was the only game co- created by Data East and Ocean Software.

It’s the future of law enforcement- ROBOCOP!

RoboCop is a run and gun game developed by Data East and Ocean, it was released in 1988 for arcades. Ocean Software, produced various ports for personal computers. The game is based on the first RoboCop movie.

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The game features nine levels of action. Seven of these are platform-based stages that comprise the main game, with the additional two stages being into-the-screen target ranges. The ranges are effectively bonus stages, in which players accrue points by shooting as many targets as possible within a time limit. Additional player health is then awarded depending on the amount of points earned.

In the platform-based stages, wooden crates and barrels occasionally bar RoboCop’s progress, these can be punched to remove them. Robocop is armed with an infinite-ammo machine pistol, but one of three weapon upgrades can be found hidden inside marked wooden crates (or occasionally dropped by defeated enemies).

The three possible upgrades are; Three-way Gun, Dual Laser or the incredibly powerful Cobra Gun. The power-ups have only a limited number of shots, however, wit


h remaining shots displayed in the upper-right corner of the screen.

As well as weapons, small jars of baby food can also be found (again, mirroring the movie) that when picked up, will restore some of Robocop’s health.

During the game, Robocop will occasionally come across a criminal holding a girl hostage. He must kill the criminal without killing the hostage, otherwise some of Robocop’s health is lost. The criminal will periodically duck while firing, Robocop must also duck but to avoid killing the hostage, must only shoot while the criminal is ducking.

Let’s check out the gameplay!

There were ports for home computers and the NES.

About the same time as the arcade game- the pinball was released! We are going to talk about Data East pins in a future article- suffice it to say- they were great!

Now this is something you don’t see everyday!

Let’s check out the gameplay!

Did you ever play Robocop?

It was great to fight the E.D. 209- but did you know you also fight the military version as well? He’s a beast!

As a bonus- Peter Weller (the OG Robocop) SIGNS BOTH OF THE COLLECTORS MACHINES!

Keep Playin’ Like It’s 1981!

One comment

  1. This game I remember my cousin playing on his NES. When I played it I didn’t have a clue what I was doing but the action and being able to use either a punch or the other weapons Robocop has was more than enough to hook me in. I also remember reading a comic book issue years later at my cousin’s old video store and enjoying reading it. Years later I finally got a chance to watch the film and it was everything fans said it was. Peter Weller *is* Robocop, bar none.


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