His name is Sly… Sly Spy.

Hey Arcaders!

What happens when you want to make a James Bond game- but you can’t get the license?

You make Sly Spy- the best James Bond side scrolling run and gun game ever!

The plot resembles some movies and novels of the James Bond series and takes place in the U.S. During the introduction sequence, the president and his wife are waving at the crowd next to a limousine at the White House in Washington D.C., when terrorists (some flying in using jetpacks) approach the president and his wife armed and dangerous, and, as soon as the screen goes red and gun sounds are heard, they seem to shoot not only the crowd, but also the president and the first lady, who are both presumed dead.

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Players control the secret agent name Sly Spy through eight different stages. Shoot the baddies and collect bullets, better guns, a jetpack a pieces of the golden gun- a super weapon with limited energy that can clear multiple enemies with one shot! And don’t forget the cans of Coke to give you more energy (Sly doesn’t like martinis). And some level end bosses will look familiar- ODD JOB and JAWS show up to the party!



Let’s check out the gameplay!

Sly Spy was ported to the PCs at the time- sadly it never got an NES port.


We finally got Sly Spy on the Switch via Johnny Turbo’s Arcade series!

What do you think of Sly Spy? I love the game. It really gives you a great James Bond experience (10 years before Goldeneye!) And I love the boss rush towards of game (late 80s and early 90s games did this a lot) fighting each one quickly as you climb the catwalks towards the top of a missile! Give this game a try- shaken, not stirred!

Keep Playin’ Like It’s 1981!

One comment

  1. Wait, not Sly Stallone? 😜

    Joking aside, this is definitely a game that is a true James Bond game in every way except for name. And as much as GoldenEye 64 is a masterpiece, it is nice to see what a James Bond game during the 8-Bit/16-Bit era would have been like. 😀


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